Azealia Banks Offers Apology to Lizzo, Insults ‘Severely Overweight’ Busta Rhymes
Written by laserteam on November 6, 2023

(Complex) – Azealia Banks has issued an apology to Lizzo while also dragging Busta Rhymes in the process.
Earlier this week, the rapper took to her Instagram Story with a post addressing all the criticism she’s thrown at Lizzo over the years. According to Banks, she owed Lizzo an apology and threw Busta into the mix.
“I was having a conversation last night and realized that I owe @lizzobeeating a huge apology for popping so much shit,” she wrote. “If hip hop will allow a 55+ severely overweight @bustarhymes who exhibits major signs of anabolic steroid abuse, adrenal gland failure, and constipation, and will also allow him to have a face full of blackheads and acne from what appears to be testosterone shot abuse.”
She continued, ” ALL whilst drinking molly water in 2023 and wearing cartoon-like Neon yellow fake gold slick Rick chains……We have absolutely no right to be trying to skewer a YOUNG black woman – for anything.”
This isn’t the first time Banks has defended Lizzo. In 2022, Banks dissed Kanye West for criticizing Lizzo on her weight.
“[Kanye] can’t be trying to lollipop off the 4 year old discussion about Lizzo’s health and weight when he has an entire McDonald’s commercial,” Banks said on social media. However, in 2019, Banks threw shade at Lizzo and her “fake ass body positivity.”
The fact that the public and the media has been keeping this fat girl joke going for so long is honestly peak boredom,” she wrote. “This song is not good nor is the dumpy fat girl spectacle live set she does. Saddest bit is that the girl is legit talented and truly only being allowed to shine so long as she allows herself to be this millenial mammy of sorts.