Ice Cube Says Warner Bros. Won’t Give Him ‘Friday’ Rights
Written by laserteam on December 6, 2022

(Yahoo Entertainment) – Ice Cube wants full control of the “Friday” film franchise, but he says Warner Bros. is standing in his way. Appearing on the most recent episode of Mike Tyson’s “Hotboxin’” podcast, Cube urged the studio to give him the rights to the franchise and rejected the possibility of buying the rights from the studio himself. Cube starred in and wrote three “Friday” movies, all of which were produced and distributed by New Line Cinema. Warner Bros. now owns New Line, so Cube can’t move forward on a fourth “Friday” movie without the studios’ blessing.
“I don’t know. Warner Brothers is weird right now,” Cube said when asked about the fourth “Friday” movie, which is to be titled “Last Friday.” “I don’t know what they’re doing. They don’t know what they’re doing. We’d love to have it back. I think it’s going be close to a time when we get it back. So, we’ll either wait for that time, or we’ll keep trying to convince them that they need to let us control the movie. It’s my movie, but they have distribution control.”